Linear blower automation on jacquard looms in the textile industry: an experience report




Through a mechatronic system, the project of the linear blower was born from the difficulty found by the textile industry (which uses cotton as raw material) in keeping their machines and equipment in proper working conditions and without cotton residue accumulation, causing several problems and damaging the final product. To avoid this problem, the solution used until then was a manual cleaning process, which demanded a qualified labor force because there are places of difficult access for cleaning and a certain daily downtime for this reason. The objective of this article was to report the experience of developing an automatic cleaning system, the “linear blower.


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Biografia do Autor

Adriano Baum, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial

Especialista de ensino em Eletroeletrônica e Automação




Como Citar

Baum, A., Maicon Cleiton Zancanaro, Marcelo Diogo Torquato, & Sidnei Fossile. (2022). Linear blower automation on jacquard looms in the textile industry: an experience report. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 15(4).