


Digital Transformation; Fourth Industrial Revolution; Systematic Review.


Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has been bringing substantial digital transformations to all sectors, including the textile chain, which is considered a traditional segment and still presents resistance to applying the technologies arising from this revolution. In this sense, this study aimed to survey the scenario of the implementation of disruptive technologies of the so-called fourth industrial revolution in the textile sector through a literature review and to perform a benchmark comparison of the implementation in Industry 4.0 with that of the automotive industry. To carry out this study, some elaboration steps were followed that involved the definition of the research questions, the designation of the search strategy, the search for documents in the literature, the assessment of the quality of the studies, the critical analysis of the papers and the discussion of the results. After defining the research question, the Scopus and Web of Science databases were determined for the search, and the Rayyan application was used for document screening. Once the search strategies were defined and applied to the databases, 2432 records were found. Each information retrieval was organized by the "most relevant" criterion. The metadata of the 120 studies were screened in search of duplicates, and the titles and abstracts were read. After this process, 40 studies proceeded to compose this review. After a critical reading of the papers, it was possible to confirm that the automotive sector is one of the most technologically advanced and that the textile industry has been successfully applying some level of digital transformation.


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Author Biographies

Ana Julia Dal Forno, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Ana Julia is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Catarina (UFSC) - Blumenau campus, Department of Textile Engineering, she also teaches undergraduate courses in Materials, Textile and Automation Engineering; she also teaches at PGETEX-Postgraduate Program in Textile Engineering (2019). She did a Post-Doctorate in Production Engineering (UFSC-2014), in which she is also a Doctor at the same University and made Sandwich at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB-Germany). Master in Production Engineering from UFSC (2008). Degree in Production Engineering (UNISC-2004). Research focus: Innovation Management, Benchmarking, Lean Manufacturing, Process Improvement. Lean and Industry 4.0. Certified Research Groups: Development of Processes and Textile Products and LabTEI - Laboratory of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

FERNANDA STEFFENS, Federal University of Santa Catarina

He completed his PhD in Textile Engineering at the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal (2015). She holds a Masters in Textile and Apparel Engineering from Technische Universität Dresden, Germany (2011). MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2008). Degree in Textile Industrial Engineering from Faculdade Senai-Cetiqt (2005). In addition, he has experience in the textile industry. His area of expertise consists of Textile Engineering and Apparel, in the development of knits with auxetic behavior, technical and intelligent textiles, fibrous materials, product development and industry 4.0. In 2015 she began her activities as an Adjunct Professor with full dedication at the Department of Textile Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Currently, she is part of the Coordination and works as a permanent professor at the Postgraduate Program in Textile Engineering (PGETEX) at the Technological, Exact Sciences and Education Center (CTE) at UFSC.




How to Cite

DIAS, A., Dal Forno, A. ., & STEFFENS, F. (2023). APPLICATION OF INDUSTRY 4.0 TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TEXTILE SEGMENT: A COMPARISON WITH THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 16(3).