Professional education in brazil



  • Lidiane Soares Wittaczik SENAI/SC - Jaraguá do Sul



Professional Education, Education by Competence, Education History


This article presents an overview history of professional education, from the remote periods of history until the emergence of new technologies in the productive sector in recent decades. When dealing with professional education in Brazil, the paper shows that the training is done by schools of public and private sectors and the agencies of the S System, keeping close relationship with the technological advances. Based on the current Brazilian educational legislation and in the face of the responsibility of the teaching institutions, of producing collective and flexible knowledge, tuned with the new bases and forms of productive organization, founded on production and diffusion of technological innovations, education by competence is described as an adequate methodology for professional education.


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Author Biography

Lidiane Soares Wittaczik, SENAI/SC - Jaraguá do Sul

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Regional de Blumenau (PPGE-FURB), tendo concluído o mestrado em fevereiro de 2008. Ela adquiriu o grau de Especialista em Interdisciplinaridade pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Pós-Graduação (IBPEX) em 2002. Licenciatura em Pedagogia no Centro Universitário de Jaraguá do Sul (UNERJ) no princípio do ano de 2000. Sua área de pesquisa processos e métodos didático-pedagógicas, onde teve como tema Ensino por Competência: A conceção dos Professores do SENAI/SC de Jaraguá do Sul. Lidiane fez seu estágio docente na FURB, com a disciplina de Educação Inclusiva e atualmente exerce a função de coordenadora pedagógica dos cursos Técnicos e de Tecnologia do SENAI de Jaraguá do Sul.



How to Cite

Wittaczik, L. S. (2008). Professional education in brazil: history. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 1(1), 77–86.



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