


production; setup; tpm.


This work presents a case study that uses one of the tools of the management system TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) or "Total Productive Maintenance", known as SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) "Tool exchange in just one minute digit”, created by Shigeo Shingo. In this work, a Pareto chart and a cause-and-effect diagram were used. Its objective is to demonstrate an improvement proposal achieved by an Industry of Polo De Duas Rodas in Manaus / AM that reduced the number of hours stopped in a production line assembly of components, thus being able to respond to the increased demands of its customers. This research concludes emphasizing that with the implementation of the steps of this methodology, it was possible to achieve an expressive increase in production, with a 78% reduction in the time spent to carry out the setup of the production line.



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Author Biographies

Bruno Lopes Bandeira, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Hello! My name is Bruno Lopes Bandeira. I am originally from Manaus (Amazonas) and a finalist in the Production Engineering course at the renowned Federal University of Amazonas in Manaus. Currently, I am working in a Japanese company, in the Automatic Insertion sector (Assembly of electronic components on printed circuit boards). My passion for technology and my ability to innovate led me to choose a research topic centered on optimizing the assembly of electronic components on printed circuit boards.

During my academic journey, I demonstrated a deep understanding of production practices and operations management. My research project highlights your dedication to finding effective solutions to improve the efficiency and quality of printed circuit board assembly.

My research represented an important step in the advancement of electronics production, with the potential to positively impact the industry, increasing the efficiency of printed circuit board assembly and contributing to the quality of final products.

With a promising future ahead, I am committed to continuing to advance research and share my knowledge to benefit the industry and society as a whole.

Dércio Luiz Reis, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Engenheiro Civil e Analista de Sistemas. Graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Fundação Técnico Educacional Souza Marques-RJ (1981), especialização em Estruturas, MBA pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas-RJ, Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2003) e Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção pela COPPE/UFRJ (2013). Professor Universitário de graduação e pós-graduação desde 1996, Coordenador de Curso Superior de Informática e Sistemas de Informação (ULBRA-Manaus 2003-2008 e Faculdade La Salle-Manaus de 2008-2016) (graduação e pós-graduação). Atuou como engenheiro e projetista em obras de grande porte (Pontes, túneis, metrô RJ, ferrovias e fundações). Atualmente Professor Adjunto (DE) do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM. Tem experiência na área de Computação, com ênfase em Lógicas e Semântica de Programas, Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Redes de Computadores, Instalações físicas de teleinformática (metálicas, óticas e sem fio), Engenharia Civil (cálculo estrutural, concreto e projeto de instalações), Engenharia de Produção (Sistemas de qualidade, Cadeias Produtivas, Controle Estatístico de Processos, Sistemas de Produção, Pesquisa Operacional e Simulações, Tecnologias Emergentes (cidades inteligentes, IoT, IA, manufatura aditiva, automação industrial)). (Texto informado pelo autor)



How to Cite

Lopes Bandeira, B., & Reis, D. L. (2023). APPLICATION OF THE SMED METHODOLOGY FOR REDUCING SETUP TIME IN THE ASSEMBLY OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS . Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 16(1).