Technological support platform for professional education
Professional Education, Information and Communication Technology, Educational TechnologyAbstract
Technological support platform for professional education The world has been changing deeply and significantly, and is more diverse and interconnected. It’s an era of connections, a networked society, provided mainly by the mass use of the information and communication technologies. It also transforms the working world, demanding a new profile of the worker, requiring fewer repetition tasks and more problems solving. This, combined to the fact that there is a new generation that was born into a digital world, requires changes in the educational universe, especially on professional education, both in pedagogical and technological scopes. This article proposes a technological platform to support the teaching and learning processes, focusing on professional education, and aligned to the needs of training a new professional, appropriate to the demands of current and future world. This proposal presents eight main elements: projection and interaction devices, learning management system (LMS), learning resources databank, digital portfolio, communication and collaboration tools, simulations, games and remote access to labs. Its usage, supported by an adequate pedagogical model, results in a professional education that is more significant and aligned to the need of the current and future working world.
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