Improvement alternatives for monitoring the efficiency of industrial operations from the perspective of strategic indicators: a case study in a metal-mechanic industry in western Santa Catarina




operations management; strategic indicators; case study; multicriteria decision support (AHP).


This paper aims to demonstrate the applicability of multicriteria methods in managerial decision- making in the industrial sector, more precisely in a metalworking company. The multicriteria method adopted was the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) by first seeking observations from the manager’s perspective regarding the efficiency of industrial operations in their production processes to evaluate alternatives for improving the efficiency of operations with emphasis on strategic indicators. Meetings were held with the manager to build the criteria and identify alternatives to validate the generated model to carry out the study. The application of the AHP method allowed for prioritizing the most efficient strategic indicators, presenting the training indicator criterion, followed by
the criterion represented by the rework indicator, considered by the manager as extremely important. During the interview, the manager emphasized the direct and positive connection of employee training with production performance and, consequently, quality. The data was collected in the field, and the results obtained were validated in dialogue with the manager of the industry analyzed.


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Como Citar

Quadros, V. (2022). Improvement alternatives for monitoring the efficiency of industrial operations from the perspective of strategic indicators: a case study in a metal-mechanic industry in western Santa Catarina. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 15(2).