Acceptance and resistance to distance education: reflections on experiences of employees of a company located in southern Brazil


  • Morgana Machado Tezza UNIVALI



Distance, Corporate Education at Distance, Education


Acceptance and resistance to distance education: reflections on experiences of employees of a company located in southern brazil This research presents a study on the acceptance and resistance to Distance Education (DE) in the corporate context. Empirical data were obtained through interviews with employees of a large company located in the northern region of Santa Catarina. The results indicated that the employees that were interviewed are more inclined to “accept” the DE’s as opposed to “resist” to it. It should be noted that although this study presents only a sample scenario of Corporate Education at Distance of this company, it brings significant contributions. However, it is emphasized that, in dealing with another group of students or other type of course, new changes of categories of acceptance or resistance may appear, emerging, thus, new surveys and interpretations of data. 


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Author Biography

Morgana Machado Tezza, UNIVALI

Graduação em Ciências da Computação pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (1999), graduação em Administração em Marketing pelo Centro Universitário de Jaraguá do Sul (2004), graduação em Formação Pedagógica para Formadores de pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2005), Especialização Latu Sensu pelo Instituto de Pós Graduação em Gerenciamento de marketing (2005) e mestrado em Administração pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2011). Atualmente é consultora, coordenadora da área de educação a distância no SENAI/SC unidade Jaraguá do Sul. Tem experiência em coordenar, gerenciar projetos, desenvolver recursos didáticos tanto para materiais impressos e online. Atua fortemente também na área de comercial desta instituição.



How to Cite

Tezza, M. M. (2013). Acceptance and resistance to distance education: reflections on experiences of employees of a company located in southern Brazil. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 103–123.



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