Development of a learning situation in the process of recovery of capacity not seized by the student
Learning, Learning situation, Pedagogical practiceAbstract
Development of a learning situation in the process of recovery of capacity not seized by the student Apart from technological changes, society goes through transformations, which today also reflects on the student profile. However, most educational institutions still employs the traditional system with its outmoded or outdated methodology that does not provide interdisciplinarity, contextualization of content and does not generate any kind of encouragement to students. Thus, education has been the focus of great concern, which has fostered a revolution in the way that teachers are being trained. It is a pressing need to innovate, make use of new teaching strategies and employ new teaching tools. This year was implemented at SENAI in Jaragua do Sul a different methodology in restructured technical courses at SENAIsc: learning situations. A pedagogical practice that brought significant results for students because it includes challenging activities, contextualized, and planned with clear evaluation criteria. In the process of teaching and learning the educator becomes, most of the time, mediator, and the student responsible for the appropriation of knowledge in a joint process of working: students, teachers and course and teaching coordinators. Thus, this article reports an experiment in technical courses in clothing and fashion production of the National Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec), with the application of this methodology to the process of knowledge acquisition and learning evaluation supplanting the exams for students approval. It is noteworthy, however, that the results were significant since ensured the approval of all students and satisfaction of participating in the process.
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