Integrator project: a tool for teaching and learning in technical courses


  • Antonio Ricardo Salvador SENAI/SC-Rio do Sul
  • Andresa Jaqueline Toassi SENAI/SC-Rio do Sul



Education, Project Integrator, Learning, Teachers


Integrator project: a tool for teaching and learning in technical courses Faced with the characteristics of the contemporary scene, the educational context must often evaluate its teaching methods in order to adapt them to social demands. Thus, SENAI-SC established in its curriculum, the development of “Integrator Projects”. This didactic-pedagogic tool includes planning and implementing of a project that includes the various disciplines of the semester, promoting multidisciplinarity. The purpose of this activity is the establishment of relationships between theory and practice, aiming at problem solving and application of acquired knowledge in real situations. Starting from these considerations, this article aims to analyze the role of the Integrator Project in the teaching / learning process of students of technical courses SENAI-SC, of the city of Rio do Sul, according to the conceptions of teachers. For this, a survey was conducted in documentary materials that orient this tool, followed by observation and monitoring of the implementation of the Project in a class. Afterwards, a questionnaire was applied, in conjunction with the teachers of technical courses in order to obtain data regarding their conceptions. Through observation and by quantitative and qualitative analysis of the responses, we can see that most teachers conceives the Integrator Project as a tool of paramount importance in the teaching / learning process of, because in addition to increase the knowledge of the student through the link between theory and practice, serves to encourage interdisciplinarity, stimulates the development of creativity and promotes team work for both the students and the lecturers. 


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Author Biographies

Antonio Ricardo Salvador, SENAI/SC-Rio do Sul

Pós graduando em Engenharia de Automação Industrial, pelo SENAI-SC. Também em Gestão Escolar, pela FURB/SAPIENCE. Graduado em Tecnologia em Processos Gerenciais pela UNIASSELVI. Técnico em Eletrônica,pelo SENAISC, Professor do SENAI/SC de Rio do Sul, onde atua desde 2004.

Andresa Jaqueline Toassi, SENAI/SC-Rio do Sul

Mestre em Psicologia pela UFSC.Graduada em Psicologia pela UNIDAVI. Docente do SENAI/SC de Rio do Sul desde fevereiro de 2006, atuando nos cursos técnicos, superiores e de qualificação. Psicóloga Organizacional desde 2005.



How to Cite

Salvador, A. R., & Toassi, A. J. (2013). Integrator project: a tool for teaching and learning in technical courses. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 69–102.



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