Develop a micro supervisory systemc

applied to the natural gas transport


  • Vitor Luis Rodrigues Barbosa TBG S/A



Supervisory system, PLC, Natural gas


This article describes a micro supervisory system applied to the natural gas transport. It is based on another famous supervisory system on the market, working on a Windows XP platform from a notebook, using the serial port RS 232 like a mean of communication with the programmable logic controller (PLC). This PLC is located in the operational units from a company of natural gas transport that works without local supervision. The technicians must execute all preventive and corrective maintenance of installations through information on process by cellular phone communication with a control and supervision central (CSC), located in Rio de Janeiro city.


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Author Biography

Vitor Luis Rodrigues Barbosa, TBG S/A

Tecnólogo em Automação Industrial pela Faculdade SENAI/Florianópolis SC (2008) e Técnico em Instrumentação pelo SENAI/Santos SP (1979), com experiência em projeto, montagem e manutenção em sistemas de automação para plantas petroquímicas, refinarias de petróleo, indústria alimentícia e transporte de gás natural. Atualmente é Supervisor de Instalações da TBG S/A para o estado se Santa Catarina.



How to Cite

Barbosa, V. L. R. (2009). Develop a micro supervisory systemc: applied to the natural gas transport. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 2(1), 49–65.



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