
  • Evelin Priscila Trindade
  • Marilei Osinski UFSC
  • Aline de Brittos Valdati
  • Márcia Aparecida Prim
  • Patrícia de Sá Freire



Tríplice hélice, Academia, Governo, Indústria


The triple helix consists by institutions representing the Government, academy and industry that join forces at all stages of the productive process to promote economic growth and create a framework for innovation that provides basic and applied research in a more close. In this work, the triple helix is represented by the Brazilian Army, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and the Federation of Industries of the Santa Catarina State (FIESC). Thus, the present work aims to present the "1st Seminar on Technology and Innovation – Opportunity for Industry, Defense and Academia", held in April 2017, in the city of Florianópolis-SC. For this, the procedures were the collection of primary data, which were recorded in audio and transcribed in a text document. After the analysis of these was carried out in light of the literature. As a result of this analysis, one can identify projects and programs of the Brazilian Exercise that can be supported by the UFSC and the industries of Santa Catarina in future partnerships, with the aim of improving innovation and national technology. Another point to highlight is the opportunities to develop projects of products and services of a scientific nature that can later be put into practice by the industries of Santa Catarina. In conclusion, both the academy and industry in Santa Catarina have the technical and intellectual capacity to support the demands and needs posed by the army, and this event was the first step towards such a partnership.


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How to Cite

Trindade, E. P., Osinski, M., Valdati, A. de B., Prim, M. A., & Freire, P. de S. (2018). IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERACTION DEFENSE-INDUSTRY-ACADEMY. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 11(1), 53–66.