Ocorrência de Listeria monocytogenes em refrigeradores e pias de cozinhas domiciliares nos municípios de Ouro, Capinzal e Zortéa, SC – Brasil


  • Roberto Degenhardt SENAI - Capinzal
  • Régis Paulo Fernandes de Almeida




Listeria monocytogenes, Domestic contamination, Listeria ivanovii


Listeria monocytogenes is the listeriosis agent in humans, with a 30% mortality rate in risk groups. The elderly, immunodepressed people, newborns and fetuses are the main affected by the disease, which is characterized by sepsis and abortion in the case of fetuses. The ability to thrive in unfavorable conditions is due to their self-plasticity, triggered by exposure to extreme environment (cold, heat and acidity). Due to outbreaks of food-borne diseases prevalent in domestic conditions, the observation of the occurrence of L. monocytogenes in a domestic environment appropriated to their survival and proliferation is very important. The refrigerators and kitchen sinks of sixty households were evaluated in the cities of Capinzal, Ouro and Zortéa, SC, through the collection of surface swabs. Samples were taken from the compartment of vegetables, meat and rubber seal, and in the sinks samples were taken from the drain. The results showed the presence of L. monocytogenes in the refrigerators meat trays at three houses with the simultaneous occurrence of L. ivanovii in one of them. It is therefore the risk of contamination by L. monocytogenes in homes due to the possibility of the fall of waste on the food, usually already prepared, stored on lower shelves of home appliances.


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Author Biography

Roberto Degenhardt, SENAI - Capinzal

Instrutor e coordenador do curso Técnico em Processos de Produção de Alimentos - SENAI Capinzal



How to Cite

Degenhardt, R., & de Almeida, R. P. F. (2011). Ocorrência de Listeria monocytogenes em refrigeradores e pias de cozinhas domiciliares nos municípios de Ouro, Capinzal e Zortéa, SC – Brasil. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 4(1), 24–31. https://doi.org/10.18624/e-tech.v4i1.148