Management system and methodology based on competences: new meaning to teaching performance


  • Sérgio Roberto Arruda Diretor Regional SENAI/SC



Management system, Competences, Teaching performance


Management system and methodology based on competences: new meaning to teaching performance The article intends to show how the use of two different methodologies require a new role for teachers. The aim is to articulate a methodology of planning with a pedagogical methodology based on competence. The reference is to PDCA as far as planning is concerned and competence based education. This new way of teaching, that by the way, is being adopted in several countries to deal with a new profile of students and a new demands of the world of labor and the advent of new information and communication technologies, requires a new positioning of teachers. The teacher must abandon the idea that he is the main source of knowledge and that he is responsible to transmit his knowledge to the student. His new position is to be the mediator between the student and the knowledge. To assume this new position he has different roles to carry on, like: defining the competences, planning tasks through which the competences will be developed by students, checking the effective appropriation of competences, and plan new tasks when the proper competence was not developed. A case study is briefly presented which shows a significant improvement in student performance in terms of knowledge, abilities, and social skills showing the pertinence of the model adopted. 


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Author Biography

Sérgio Roberto Arruda, Diretor Regional SENAI/SC

Formado em Engenharia Elétrica pela UFRGS (1966), mestrado em Electrical Machines and Power Systems pela Universidade de Londres (1970).Especialização em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho pela UDESC (1974).Sua carreira profissional iniciou-se como Professor do Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica em 1968, onde permaneceu até 1994, quando se aposentou como Professor Titular. Assumiu o posto de Chefe de Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da UFSC nos períodos de 1992 a 1994 e 1971 a 1974. De 1975 a 1980 foi Diretor do Centro Tecnológico da UFSC e Diretor Presidente da Fundação para Ensino de Engenharia - EESC. De 1990 a 1992, desenvolveu atividades como Diretor de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Governo do Estado.No período de 1994 a 1996 foi pesquisador do CNPq/RHAE. Exerceu, também, função de Diretor na Iniciativa Privada e Engenheiro na CELESC. Foi Diretor Superintendente do SENAI-CTAI no período de 1996 a 1998. Desde setembro de 1998 exerce o cargo de Diretor Regional do SENAI - Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial de Santa Catarina. É Conselheiro do Conselho de Curadores da UFSC, do Conselho Estadual de Educação de SC (CEE-SC) e do SEBRAE-SC.



How to Cite

Arruda, S. R. (2013). Management system and methodology based on competences: new meaning to teaching performance. Revista E-TECH: Tecnologias Para Competitividade Industrial - ISSN - 1983-1838, 41–49.

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